MylesOfBacon Games

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how microsoft flight sim 2024 is turning me into a real pilot: quick take #4

When it comes to simulators, I tend to aire on the casual side. For example, I typically lean more towards something like PowerWash Simulator over something more in depth like Microsoft Flight Simulator. Even still, the idea of flying a fighter jet over my childhood home, or recreating various flights I've taken in real life over the years always seemed like a really neat thing to be able to experience in a video game. The big thing missing for me with my prior Microsoft Flight Sim experience however, was a purpose for taking to the skies beyond just flying for fun. I needed an objective. Enter Microsoft Flight Simulator 24's career mode, an idea that scratched the exact itch I was looking to scratch with this particular kind of game. So, have I become a professional pilot yet? No....but I'm on my way!